Public Interest Incorporated Foundation
The Nakayama visually impaired welfare foundation

"Giving back to society" through the Foundation

The Nakayama visually impaired welfare foundation received the wish of Kiyoko, the mother of Tetsuya Nakayama (President of the Foundation), who was born by damaging the optic nerve due to forceps delivery, and wanted to help the visually impaired in 1997. Established in the year. Through the business of visually impaired people and visually impaired people support groups
The purpose is to contribute to improving the welfare of the visually impaired in Hyogo Prefecture. During the 24 years from the time of establishment to fiscal 2020, we provided a total of 816.29 million yen in subsidies and other projects. We have lent one guide dog each in 1999 and 2000, and two guide dogs each since 2001, for a total of 43 dogs.

2021 loan guide dogs "Tenero" and "Smo"
2021 loan guide dogs "Tenero" and "Smo"


October 1, 1997
November 1, 2010 Transition to a public interest foundation
"Nakayama Visual Welfare Foundation" to "The Nakayama visually impaired welfare foundation"
President of Tetsuya Nakayama TRUSCO NAKAYAMA Corporation 
2-1-9 Mizukidori, Hyogo Ward, Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture 652-0802
Achievements of support projects
816.29 million yen (total amount for 24 years until 2020)
Shin-Nakayama Memorial Hall (3 minutes walk from Shinkaichi Station)
Nakayama Memorial Hall (3 minutes walk from Shinkaichi Station)

Operates the foundation with stock dividends

Fundamental assets were established by the chairman, the Nakayama family, by contributing 4 million shares of TRUSCO NAKAYAMA Corporation, Ltd. and 500 million yen in cash.
In addition, the Nakayama family donated an additional 1 million shares in 2021. The foundation runs its business on stock dividends.
The number of shares of the Company held by the Company is 4.35 million shares. (as of the end of December 2021)

Public utility

1. Nakayama Memorial Hall Rental Business

Since 2007, six non-profit organizations have collaborated with each other at Nakayamaki Kaikan to carry out activities such as counseling, walking training, writing Braille books, and holding events. Of these, the number of consultations is 4,040 per year. In addition, we would like to complete the Shin-Nakayama Memorial Hall in September 2021 in order to further enhance social participation activities for the visually impaired and the deafblind. At the Shin-Nakayama Memorial Hall, 11 non-profit organizations are active.

  • Open entrance
    Open entrance
  • 19kW solar power generation
    19kW solar power generation
  • Sunny veranda
    Sunny veranda
  • Low Vision floor We have auxiliary tools that are convenient for people who are blind or hard to see.
    Low Vision floor
    For people who are blind or hard to see
    We have convenient aids

2. Businesses such as subsidies for visually impaired support groups and individuals

We provide subsidies and free scholarships to university students, etc. to enable more fulfilling activities for visually impaired groups and support groups that are in financial difficulty.

3. Support project for social participation activities of visually impaired people

We support the social participation activities of the visually impaired with the aim of establishing the idea of "normalization", which aims to create a society in which people with disabilities can spend their days and work together in the same way as people without disabilities.

Kaori Tsutsui, a former scholarship student who appears at Nakayama KLC Concert
Former scholarship student performing at Nakayama KLC Concert
Kaori Tsutsui

Main business contents

① Hyogo Prefecture Music Festival for the Visually Impaired "Nakayama KLC Concert"

This is a classical concert that was started to provide many visually impaired people with the opportunity to perform.

② Guide dog lending business

We outsource the training of two guide dogs a year and lend them to people with disabilities as the guide dog "Nakayama-go".
By 2021, we have lent 43 cows.

③ Computer course business

Classes that teach basic usage of PCs and how to operate the Internet are divided into beginner, Internet, office, iPad experience, and voice PC experience courses.

④ Music performance business "Nakayama Wonderful Festa"

It is a concert that can be attended with wheelchairs and guide dogs so that visually impaired people can participate without hesitation. Our informal candidates also participate in this event. We not only pursue the profits of the company, but also create opportunities to learn through actual events that some of the profits are contributing to society.

Past performers (titles omitted)

16th 2013 Mariko Takahashi
The 17th 2014 Sayuri Ishikawa
The 18th 2015 Yoshimi Tendo
19th 2016 Masahiko Takeuchi Kaientai
20th 2017 Masashi Sada
21st 2018 Aki Yashiro
22nd 2019 Tomomi Nishimoto & Illuminate Philharmonic Orchestra Narrator Yoshiko Sakuma
* Canceled in 2020 and 2021 due to concerns about the spread of new coronavirus infection

⑤ Companion support employee (guide helper) training training business

We hold training sessions six times a year with the aim of increasing the number of support employees (guide helpers) and improving their quality.

⑥ Barrier-free movie screening business "Nakayama UD Film Festival"

A film festival sponsored by the The Nakayama visually impaired welfare foundation, the film is screened with an audio commentary and Japanese subtitles that conveys the scene on the screen. (UD...Universal Design)

Guide dog rental ceremony at the 22nd Nakayama Wonderful Festa
Guide dog rental ceremony at the 22nd Nakayama Wonderful Festa
The 20th Nakayama Wonderful Festa (Masashi Sada)
The 20th Nakayama Wonderful Festa
(Masashi Sada)
Our informal staff will help visitors
Our informal staff will help visitors

List of officers and councilors

Tetsuya Nakayama
President of TRUSCO NAKAYAMA Corporation 
managing director
Saori Nakayama
NR Holdings Co., Ltd. Company President Certified Accountant
Managing Director
Hiroaki Matsuyama
Executive Director (TRUSCO NAKAYAMA Corporation Staff)
Takuji Iuchi
President of AS ONE Corporation
Norio Ichikawa
Company President President& Executive Officer Zojirushi Corporation
Tatsuya Otsuka
Chairman of the Director of Earth Corporation
Kohei Goto
Chairman of Sanko Co., Ltd. 
Osamu Tsujimoto
Tsurumi Seisakusho Co., Ltd. President
Teruo Hashimoto
Chairman of Nippon Lighthouse Welfare Center for The Blind
Kenji Furuhashi
President and CEO of Hosiden Corporation
Atsushi Matsumae
Full-time Director (Staff of TRUSCO NAKAYAMA Corporation)
Masahiko Mori
President DMG Mori Seiki Co., Ltd.
Naoyuki Yamamoto
President of Yamamoto Optical Co., Ltd.
Kohei Nomura
Representative lawyer of Nomura Law Office
Kazumasa Murai
Murai Certified Public Accountant Office Certified public accountant and tax accountant
Yusuke Saraya
President of Saraya Co., Ltd.
Tomihiro Takamatsu
Former Chairman of the Director, DyDo Group Holdings, Inc.
Yuko Nakayama
Representative Director of NS Holdings Co., Ltd.
Rie Nakayama
Keio University Graduate School of Medicine Doctoral Candidate Department of Otorhinolaryngology Assistant Professor
Motonobu Nishimura
Chairman of Mandom Corporation
Yuki Nomura
President of TAIYO Inc.
Junji Hada
Chairman of ELECOM Co., Ltd.
Naotaro Hikita
President of KOHNAN SHOJI Co., LTD.
Kunio Yamada
Chairman of Rohto Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Yoshiaki Yamamoto
Social Welfare Corporation Rokko Kakujuen Chairman
Teiji Wakita
President and Representative Director of Wakita & Co., Ltd.
Yasuro Toyoda
The Nakayama visually impaired welfare foundation

Mr. Senichi Hoshino (former professional baseball manager) who passed away on January 4, 2018,
He served as a director from June 2017 to January 2018 and contributed to the development of the foundation.

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