Monthly sales

(Parent Company) Monthly Sales for June 2024 (Updated on July 19, 2024)

Monthly sales by route

* Please scroll horizontally to see.

Sales for this term Year-on-year Compared to this term plan
monthly basis Cumulative monthly basis Cumulative monthly basis Cumulative
Factory Route 16,111 96,534 +1.2 +7.7 △0.7 +2.5
E-business Route 5,358 32,833 +6.1 +13.6 +2.0 +6.0
Home center Route 2,024 12,631 +7.5 +7.9 +4.1 +3.1
Overseas Route 169 1,033 +12.7 +22.2 +0.4 +7.7
Total 23,664 143,033 +2.9 +9.1 +0.3 +3.4

(Unit: million yen,%)

Number of business days in June: 20 (down 2 days from the same month last year)
● June daily sales: 1,183 million yen (up 13.1% year-on-year)

Consumables used on the shop floor are constantly ordered daily, so our sales are affected by changes in the number of business days. We place great importance on daily sales as well as monthly sales.
Please see the PDF files for the actual sales for this year.

*From the beginning of the fiscal year ending December 2022, we have applied the “Accounting Standard for Revenue Recognition” (Corporate Accounting Standard No. 29).

(Note) Actual sales are preliminary figures.

Monthly sales
(One million yen)

Year-on-year sales

Business days (days) 19 19 20 21 21 20 22 21 19 22 20 21
Business days
Year-on-year comparison (Sun)
±0 ±0 △2 +1 +1 △2 +2 △1 △1 +1 ±0 ±0
PDF download

Monthly sales by product category

* Please scroll horizontally to see.

Sales for this term Previous term sales Year-on-year
monthly basis Cumulative monthly basis Cumulative monthly basis Cumulative
Cutting tools 713 4,357 717 4,105 △0.6 +6.1
Production processing supplies 1,766 10,690 1,668 9,629 +5.9 +11.0
Construction supplies 2,684 16,619 2,579 15,326 +4.1 +8.4
Work supplies 4,422 26,444 4,435 25,046 △0.3 +5.6
Hand tools 3,821 24,294 3,818 22,206 +0.1 +9.4
Environmental safety products 4,986 26,718 4,390 23,067 +13.6 +15.8
Distribution storage supplies 2,260 14,482 2,361 14,104 △4.3 +2.7
Research management supplies 887 5,618 909 5,424 △2.5 +3.6
Office housing equipment 2,004 13,209 1,972 11,500 +1.6 +14.9
others 116 598 153 642 △24.1 △6.9
Total 23,664 143,033 23,007 131,055 +2.9 +9.1

(Unit: million yen,%)

(Parent non-consolidated) December 2024

Monthly sales by route

* Please scroll horizontally to see.

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Factory Route 13,880 16,247 18,818 16,076 15,401 16,111
E-business Route 4,885 5,454 5,997 5,724 5,412 5,358
Home center Route 1,842 1,964 2,114 2,493 2,192 2,024
Overseas Route 177 165 172 164 183 169
Total 20,785 23,831 27,103 24,457 23,190 23,664

(Unit: million yen,%)

Monthly sales by product category

* Please scroll horizontally to see.

January February March April May June July August September October November December
Cutting tools 648 742 802 748 702 713
Production processing supplies 1,568 1,789 1,991 1,831 1,743 1,766
Construction supplies 2,473 2,782 3,165 2,833 2,679 2,684
Work supplies 3,966 4,275 4,624 4,658 4,497 4,422
Hand tools 3,588 4,218 4,641 4,156 3,867 3,821
Environmental safety products 3,617 4,153 4,845 4,663 4,452 4,986
Distribution storage supplies 2,118 2,535 2,981 2,347 2,239 2,260
Research management supplies 837 981 1,117 904 891 887
Office housing equipment 1,879 2,248 2,839 2,213 2,023 2,004
others 88 105 94 100 93 116
Total 20,785 23,831 27,103 24,457 23,190 23,664

(Unit: million yen,%)

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