Responding to risks and opportunities attributed climate change
In order to continue to be useful to people and society at all times, we are working to solve social issues and contribute to local communities based on our basic policy of Sustainability Regarding climate change, based on the TCFD Recommendations*, we disclose the following four items: "Governance," "Strategy," "Risk Management," and "Metrics and Targets."
*TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures) is an international framework that encourages disclosure of climate-related risks, opportunities, and financial impacts. In 2017, he announced a proposal calling on companies to disclose climate-related information.
Corporate Governance
We have established the Sustainability Committee as an organization that oversees our basic sustainability policy and initiatives for Materiality (materiality).
With the Sustainability Promotion Section of the Corporate Planning Department serving as the secretariat, this committee supervises promotion activities for company-wide sustainability initiatives, including risk management related to climate change.
Important issues resolved by this committee are reported to the Director (Management Committee) each time.
In addition, under the umbrella of the Sustainability Committee, we have set up "subcommittees" to consider individual and specific matters for each risk and initiative.
Based on the framework advocated by TCFD, we examined future changes in the external environment and analyzed the impact of climate change on our business. In our business activities, we are responding to the following major risks and opportunities.
リスク・機会 | 項目 | 時間軸 | 財務影響 | 対応 | |
移行リスク | 政策/規制 | 炭素税導入、炭素税率の上昇によるコスト上昇 | 短期~中期 | 最大2.3億円/年のコスト上昇2023年度のScope1+2のCO2排出量より、 2050年度の炭素税価格を想定し算出 |
❶ |
炭素税導入、炭素税率の上昇による電気料金の上昇 | 短期~中期 | 最大2.4億円/年のコスト上昇2023年度の電力使用量と電気代より2030年度のエネルギーミックスと炭素税価格を想定し算出 | ❶ | ||
技術 | 配送車両のEV化対応時の車両更新による配送コスト増加 | 中期 | 1.2億円/年のコスト上昇配送用トラックのEV化にかかるコストより算出 | ❶ | |
物理的リスク | 慢性 | 物流におけるコストの増加 | 中期 | 最大2.7億円/年のコスト上昇2050年度における想定原油価格より、物流コストの上昇幅を想定し算出 | ❶ ❷ |
沿岸地域の施設・設備被害による輸送の遅延や停止 | 中期~長期 | 107億円/年の売上減少海面上昇による浸水リスクの最も高いプラネット神戸が被害を受けた場合を想定し算出 | ❷ | ||
急性 | 洪水被害による保有不動産・設備の損壊、設備損壊に伴う事業継続への影響 | 中期~長期 | 17億円/回の被害100年に1回の洪水が発生した場合のP埼玉の設備の損壊を想定し算出 | ❷ |
リスク・機会 | 項目 | 時間軸 | 財務影響 | 対応 | |
機会 | 製品とサービス | 低炭素商品やサービスの需要増加による当社製品やサービスへの需要の高まりによる売上上昇(ニアワセユーチョク、MROストッカー、カーボンニュートラルナビ、直治郎など) | 短期~中期 | 59億円/年の売上増加製造現場における資源の有効活用や輸送の効率化、低炭素商品への需要の高まりから各サービスや製品の増収見込みを想定し算出 | ❸ |
エネルギー源 | 炭素税導入などによる電気代上昇のリスクをトラスコ発電所により回避可能 | 中期 | 3,600万円/年のコスト削減自家発電を行わない場合の電気代を想定し算出 | ❶ | |
レジリエンス | 物流拠点の分散化や輸送手段の多角化によるリスク分散により一部の地域が被災しても、全国各地の在庫拠点から商品の供給が可能 | 中期~長期 | 90億円/回の売上減少を回避100年に1回の洪水が発生した場合の、P埼玉の操業停止を想定し算出 | ❷ |
期間 | 参考文献 | |
1.5~2度シナリオ | 4度シナリオ | |
短期:1~3年、中期:3~10年、長期:10~30年 | ・RCP2.6、SSP1.9,2.6 ・IEA Net Zero Emission |
・SSP8.5、RCP8.5 ・NGFS Current Policies |
Our response
❶Environmental friendliness of our facilities
We are working to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions at our own facilities through various measures, including self-generating electricity with solar panels installed on our building, introducing eco-friendly vehicles and equipment, and taking other measures to conserve energy and electricity.
❷Disaster-resistant Distribution system
With 28 Distribution bases located throughout the country, even if one Distribution Center is hit by a disaster, shipments can be made from other nearby Distribution Center. Going forward, we will continue to build a disaster-resistant Distribution system through proactive investment in Distribution, including Planet Aichi.
❸Products and services that reduce environmental impact
We calculated how much CO2 emissions could be avoided through our measures and services, and found that the reduction contribution was 15,829 t-CO2 for the year 2023. Our total Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions, excluding consolidated subsidiaries, is 9,184 t-CO2, and our entire Supply Chain has contributed to reducing emissions even more than that. We will continue to expand our services to improve customer convenience while reducing the environmental impact.
Risk management
The Sustainability Committee manages all risks across the company. Among these risks, we position the risks related to climate change as one of the important risks.
Regarding the risks of climate change, the "subcommittee" holds discussions at least four times a year to discuss the progress of efforts to address issues and new risks, identify risks and opportunities, evaluate them, and organize countermeasures. increase.
The content of discussions in the "subcommittee" will be reported to the Sustainability Committee, which is held twice a year, and the most important agenda items will be reported to the Board of Director (Management Council).
Apart from that, the Sustainability Promotion Division has a system to report environment-related indicators and issues to the Board of Director (Management Council) every month in principle.
Indicators / goals
As our unique efforts to reduce the environmental impact of the entire Supply Chain we consider the number of direct deliveries to users, which leads to high delivery efficiency and reduced packing materials, and the number of MRO Stocker introduced as "indicators" related to reducing the environmental impact. setting a goal.
当社の事業活動にかかるCO2排出量:1,802,303(tCO2) [うちScope3 1,791,867(tCO2)](2022年実績)
- %表示は構成比
- Scope1:燃料使用による直接排出量
- Scope2:他社からのエネルギー供給による間接排出量
- Scope3:Scope1,2以外のサプライチェーンに係る間接排出量
- Scope3のカテゴリーについて環境省のホームページを参照